EDIT: 9/8/2011 - I'm cleaning the slate and starting fresh for the NFL season 2011. Wasn't sure where to put the three NBA bets I made using the system. I went 3-0 and made 188.93, making my grand total $381.06 on the year. Not bad at all.
So I kinda fell off the radar with this toward the end of the year, so I'm going to start over for 2011. Basically I only bet on football games in 2010, but I have a feeling Skip is just as bad at picking all of the major sports.
Final results are below:
Skip's Record: 8-28
Not good.
My Record: 24-12
This may not make sense, as you would think it would be exactly opposite of Skip's record (28-8). But even with input from Skip there were 4 games which he picked incorrectly but, because of the large spread, I got wrong. Still a pretty good winning percentage though (78%).
Breakdown by sport
NFL (8-6) NCAA FB (13-6) NBA (3-0)
Total winnings: $381.06
Not amazing but some of my bigger bets were the few losing ones, giving me nearly $400 on the year. Which I'm sure I dropped on 2 hands of blackjack at some point.
Overall the system worked pretty well, and I plan to make larger wagers in 2011. Here's to a profitable year and Skip sucks ass.
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